The pain of the pillow wrinkle.
If you're reading this and you have no idea what I'm talking about; then you are just young. But your time will come. Mark my words one day your time will come.
Usually around the age of 37/38 I would hazard a guess. One night you will go to bed unconsciously smug with your smooth face.
Then the next morning you will wake up to a whole new, darker world.
Your reflection will greet you...with the creases of your pillow still attached to it. Only last night your pillow was your friend, something you looked forward to greeting every night...and now it is your enemy. It is your nemesis.
And the worst of it pillow wrinkles don't disappear quickly...oh yes it will come to you all.
There are however a few easy steps you can take to avoid the heartache and pain of the pain of the pillow wrinkle.
Number 1.
Always sleep on your back
Number 2.
Always smooth your pillow out before you place your precious face on it
Number 3.
Avoid all contact with mirrors and children for a period of time when you wake up. (children have been known to ask; What's happened to your face?)
Number 4.
If on a sleepover (aka date) don't sleep. Your choice of activity is entirely up to you. Your date must NEVER see your pillow wrinkles.
Number 5.
Sleep sitting up
And finally if you partake of a particularly fun-filled winesday, and enjoy a tipple too many you may forget.
Forget the new rules of sleeping at your peril as the hangover pillow wrinkle is the worst and most vicious of them all.
Brilliant! I try so hard to obey rule number 1 but always, always fail and end up with my face squished in the pillow!